Debunking the junk science behind health fads, wellness scams and nonsensical nutrition advice. VOR 2 TAGEN. Because we live in hell, here is last month's bonus episode about RFK Jr. See you next year! Support the show. This month's bonus episode is a Thanksgiving feast of mains, sides and leftovers featuring our favorite happy meatball. First, we're revisiting the hit podcast "Missing Richard Simmons" and grumpily examining the tropes of podcast storytelling. Then we're playing a clip we cut from our last episode about a truly cursed Richard Simmons biopic. And finally, we're sharing some of Richard's anecdotes about his celebrity encounters. The internet gets weird investigating the "disappearance" of America's gay best friend. Buy Aubrey's bookListen to Mike's other podcastGet Maintenance Phase T-shirts, stickers and moreLinks! Richard Simmons ShowRichard Simmons, the Original Queer EyeThe Grand Duke of Diet and the Clown Prince of Fitness The Sultan of Svelte The Deregulation Of Commercial TelevisionSim For Halloween we picked one of our scariest topics: What has RFK Jr. Updates include a whale head, a bear body and a cameo from Roseanne Barr for some reason. Still Hungry After All These Years by Richard Simmons "Hair-Do" Anatomy Asylum CommercialRichard Simmons: New Orleans's hometown heroA Speedy His Everything is terrible so we're taking the personality test that doesn't Buzzfeed Am I Gay Test your feelings! How a mother, a daughter and a crackpot Swiss psychologist gave us the world's most popular Buzzfeed quiz. Support us:Hear bonus episodes on PatreonDonate on PayPalGet Maintenance Phase T-shirts, stickers and moreWatch Aubrey's documentaryBuy Aubrey's bookListen to Mike's other podcastLinks! FINALLY, A VOICE FOR SKINNY BITCHES! This month, Mike is taking us on a deep dive into one of our most requested titles: Skinny Bitch. It's a true time capsule from the dirtbag s. Also, Aubrey is as Buzzfeed Am I Gay Test at mean girling as she is at reply guying. I have been binge listening to you two gifts to humanity since Aubrey was on WCDHT : cant believe ive been missing out! Amazing format, so well done and researched, a delight to listen to. But why I really set out to write a review: you two have the absolut most adorable and contagious laughs!!!! Much Love and support from Munich, Germany! I just love it! Its fun and informative and I really admire the work those two put into this! I sometimes ok very often re-listen episodes because I enjoy them so much. You guys make me laugh even if the world we live in is bleak sometimes. Just to say, the podcasts topics and cameos are a bit US centric only a few episodes tho which makes it for me, a german, sometimes a bit difficult to follow but! There is always an overall message thats conveyed and also I feel like I understand the US and its struggles a Buzzfeed Am I Gay Test better now. Thank you guys so so much really! Audrey and Mike are truly doing an amazing job debunking health and diet myths. My favourite as well. The importance of what you are doing is incredible. The existing level of anti-fat bias, belief in health organisations, and engagement in diet industry is overwhelming. I did not realise most of it before hearing you. Positive Moves LLC hat sich als Händler für diesen Podcast ausgewiesen und bestätigt, dass dieses Produkt oder diese Dienstleistung den rechtlichen Vorgaben der Europäischen Union entspricht. Bleib auf dem Laufenden mit dieser Sendung.
Tell Us Your Goth Aesthetic And We'll Guess Which "Hazbin Hotel" Character You Are
Das sind die dümmsten Buzzfeed-Quizzes aller Zeiten! - VANGARDIST This quiz will determine which Vampire Diaries guy is your soulmate. Who are you most compatible with? Bestrafung für Homosexualität: Erwachsene können eine Gefängnisstrafe von bis zu 15 Jahren erhalten, Minderjährige können bis zu 5 Jahre. Maintenance Phase Podcast – Apple PodcastsSexuelle Handlungen zwischen Frauen bringen bis zu 5 Jahre ein. Bestrafung für Homosexualität: Zwischen 4 und 10 Jahre im Gefängnis mit der Option auf Zwangsarbeit. Jasmin Nahar. Still Hungry Text: Alex Baur.
1. Algerien
This quiz will determine which Vampire Diaries guy is your soulmate. Und mein Ergebnis war im Endeffekt dann auch. In diesem Buzzfeed Quiz kann man doch tatsächlich herausfinden, welche Art von Müll man ist. Debunking the junk science behind health fads, wellness scams and nonsensical nutrition advice. Who are you most compatible with? Bestrafung für Homosexualität: Erwachsene können eine Gefängnisstrafe von bis zu 15 Jahren erhalten, Minderjährige können bis zu 5 Jahre.Growing Up Richard Simmons. Wir arbeiten ständig an der App, damit ihre Ergebnisse immer korrekt sind. Help broke students be a little less broke. Bestrafung für Homosexualität: Haftstrafe bis zu 3 Jahren. Gesellschaft und Kultur. Trotzdem hilft es vielleicht gerade den Menschen unter uns, die sich vor dem Schlafen gehen einfach nicht mehr aus dem Bett bewegen können, um noch ein letztes mal pinkeln zu gehen. MP AFTER DARK. Jasmine Adams said school officials did little to protect her daughter from racial taunts and bullying. Kundenrezensionen: 3,7 von 5 Sternen 3 Sternebewertungen. Bestrafung für Homosexualität: Gefängnisstrafe bis 3 Jahre. Vor wurden homosexuelle Personen mit einer Gefängnisstrafe von bis zu 14 Jahren bedroht. Hannah Loewentheil. Entwickelt von: Aram Virabyan Datenschutzrichtlinie. Kommentare Drucken Teilen. For Halloween we picked one of our scariest topics: What has RFK Jr. Bestrafung für Homosexualität: 6 Monate bis 5 Jahre im Gefängnis und eine Geldstrafe von ungefähr 30 Euro bis Euro. Lifestyle Ein Designfeuerwerk in Wien Blickfang Messe Vom So many Animorphs books. FINALLY, A VOICE FOR SKINNY BITCHES! Energy Shot "I'm confused again. Sanjay Gupta says he was wrong about medical marijuana and that "we have been terribly and systematically misled for nearly 70 years in the United States, and I apologize for my own role in that. Twitter Is Completely Divided On The Right Way To Draw An X X marks the Twitter feud! Season's greetings, season's eatings. Doch irgendwann sind dann tatsächlich alle Mails beantwortet, alle Instagram-Stories angeschaut, und alle Snacks aus dem Büro-Kühlschrank aufgegessen. Victoria Sanusi. See you next year! The Government Of Trinidad And Tobago Has Responded To Nicki Minaj's Claim About A Cousin's Friend's Swollen Testicles Health officials said they "wasted so much time" trying to verify the rap star's claim about swollen testicles. Buzzfeed hat mit dem fast schon legendären Kartoffelquiz einen Test geschaffen, der ziemlich viel über die eigene Persönlichkeit aussagen soll. Police say Willie Fred Shorter's DNA matched the DNA profile of the woman's child, with How Much Do You Actually Throw Out In A Day? This New Oh My Disney Swim Collection Will Make '90s Disney Kids Scream, "My Heart! Bestrafung für Homosexualität: Für das erste und zweite Vergehen sind Peitschenhiebe und 5 Jahre Gefängnis vorgesehen. Heutzutage wollen immer mehr Menschen wissen, ob sie zur schwulen Gemeinschaft oder zur LGBTQ-Gemeinschaft gehören. Everything that is pizza.