This cruising bar in the city center is one of the meeting places of the Cologne gay scene. The tradition-rich impresses with typical Cologne cordiality and witty staff. Here you can have casual fun and quickly get in touch with nice guys and men. Drinks at fair prices complete the visit here additionally. Gay sauna special offer in Cologne: Sunday to Thursday from pm the entrance costs only 12 EUR. Copyright: Deck5 Cruising Bar Deck5 Cologne: gay bar with cruising in Cologne Men Only Darkroom Bar in the center of Cologne This cruising bar in the city center is one of the meeting places of the Cologne gay scene. Admission: Free, minimum consumption 1 drink. Closed - opens h. Recommended by Pinky. TwinX: The new youngster sauna afternoon at Badehaus Babylon Cologne with show, live performance, DJs and play area. TwinX - XXXMas Special Babylon Sauna: Saturday December 14, from to pm. This location guarantees you can be who you are! Puppy Night Babylon. Kinky Nights in the Sauna Babylon Cologne: Every 4th Tuesday of the month the Puppy Night with special area takes place. Puppy Night Badehaus Babylon Cologne: Tuesday January 28, from pm to pm. Two For One Babylon Sauna. Valid for 30 days. Two Gay Bar Köln Darkroom One Badehaus Babylon Cologne: Every Friday from am to pm. Pay once, come twice: Your offer on Friday at the Badehaus Babylon Cologne. Night-Runner Phoenix. Save from pm on! Night-Runner Phoenix Sauna Cologne: Sunday to Thursday from pm to am. Wetplay Night Babylon. Kinky Nights at Sauna Babylon Cologne: Every 1st Tuesday of the month Gay Sauna with Wetplay Gay Bar Köln Darkroom Area. Wetplay Night Sauna Babylon Cologne: Tuesday January 7, from pm to pm. Guyz Party Cologne. GUYZ Sexual Party with XXX Live Show SKlub Domhof Cologne: Saturday January 18, from pm. Twinks Night Phoenix Sauna. Gay sauna discount on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday for all youngstars up to 29 in Cologne. Great infusions, Twinksarea and XXL foam party. Twinks Night Phoenix Sauna Cologne: Tuesday January 14, from pm to pm. The party for Scallies and Sportlads in Cologne. Here you find only cool guys in hot outfits. SNEAX'n'SOX CSD Party Cologne The Cage: no event. The fetish party only for men every year at the Pride Weekend in Cologne. Strict Dresscode! Leather, Rubber, Army or Sportswear. Party Essigfabrik Cologne: Friday July 4, Here you can find our hotspots. Monday -
Darkroom & Cruising in Köln
Gay Cologne - Insider tips for Cruising & Fun - Pinksider Auch Kondome werden am. Wo geht´s in den Darkroom? Dein Community-Guide für Events und Locations mit Cruising-Bereich wie Cruising-Bars, die Gay Sauna oder angesagte Sex-Party oder. Der Eintritt wird für die Gäste kostenlos sein: "Die Kosten für Miete, Einrichtung und Reinigung tragen wir als Wirtegemeinschaft. 22 gaybars von Koln Rudorfpltz-SchaafenstrasseRecommended by Pinky. BearPride Festival: The annual bear gathering in November in Cologne. Bear Pride Cologne TwinX Babylon. Sontag Brunchbuffet.
TwinX @ Babylon
Der Eintritt wird für die Gäste kostenlos sein: "Die Kosten für Miete, Einrichtung und Reinigung tragen wir als Wirtegemeinschaft. BAR K* Schwule Sauna, Dampf-Sauna, Pool, Darkroom, open Bar, tÃᅵ¤glich Nachtsauna, junges Publikum. Darkroom, open Bar, tÃᅵ¤glich Nachtsauna, junges Publikum. mehr info · IXBAR Mauritiuswall 84 Köln ma - zon: - ; vrij + zat tot Bar. Wo geht´s in den Darkroom? Dein Community-Guide für Events und Locations mit Cruising-Bereich wie Cruising-Bars, die Gay Sauna oder angesagte Sex-Party oder. Auch Kondome werden am. mehr info · IXBAR Mauritiuswall 84 Köln ma - zon.Dresscode: Leder, Gummi, Uniform, Skin, Fischermanns Rathenauplatz 21 Köln zon-don Be naked and have fun: The Absolute Naked Party at Phoenix Sauna Cologne! Party Essigfabrik Cologne: Friday July 4, Bitte melde Dich an, um diese Funktion nutzen zu können! Video der Woche. The party for Scallies and Sportlads in Cologne. Öffnungszeiten der Camp Gaybar: Sonntag-Donnerstag: Uhr. Marsil Marsilstein 27 Köln bar : din-zon : Saturday - XXL foam party Phoenix Sauna Cologne: no events. Youngster Tarif Badehaus Babylon Cologne: Montag bis Sonntag ganztägig. Recommended by Pinky. Mittelblond Schwalbengasse 2 Köln Bar. Oft Action in den Toiletten und auf der Spechtersee seite im kleinen Cruising-Wäldchen. Puppy Night Badehaus Babylon Cologne: Tuesday January 28, from pm to pm. This cruising bar in the city center is one of the meeting places of the Cologne gay scene. Dienstag des Monat Sauna-Ereignisses der Knaben Jahr. January TwinX Babylon. Night-Runner Phoenix Sauna Cologne: Sunday to Thursday from pm to am. Lange Saunanacht Babylon. Badehaus Babylon Cologne. Bar BAR Popular bar downtown mehr info. Every Friday with SPECIAL AREA. SNEAX'n'SOX CSD Party Cologne The Cage: no event. TwinX - XXXMas Special Babylon Sauna: Saturday December 14, from to pm. Kinky Queer Art Club in Cologne. Canape Heumarkt 73 Köln ma - zat : tot Bar. Die Station 2B ist sehr gut gepflegt, es wird sehr auf Hygiene geachtet, was auch sehr wichtig ist aufgrund der Cruising-Angebote und Spielwiesen. Sauan UniSexDay: the open minded event in the Phönix Sauna Cologne. The gay men's sauna in Cologne: modern gay sauna with a colourful mixed audience. Kinky Nights at Sauna Babylon Cologne: Naked Night every 2nd Tuesday of the month with exclusive Special Area. Strict Dresscode!