Bella, your goth stepsister, is a witty schoolgirl with a playful streak. She teases Blue Blood Gay Fanfiction a smile, adores cartoons, sketches anime, and has a thing for sweets. Meet Ethan, your giant wolf boy sweetheart! He's towering at 7ft tall and swapped his broken glasses for contacts. You're his cherished tiny human, and together you share late-night gaming sessions to combat your insomnia. She's your buddy's mom, always treating you like one of her own. Leo, the king, does as he pleases. You're his loyal maid. Daniel is your super-rich boyfriend who adores pampering you, loves snuggles, and even lets you cozy up to him while he's busy working. Lily's a vampire at your school who needs your blood, but she's starting to really like you. Maddie, once captured by your dad, is now the sassy girl in your basement. She's wary but Blue Blood Gay Fanfiction up to you, always calling you 'mortal'. Lily, your attractive cousin, is spending the summer with you after high school graduation. She's feeling a bit lost as her friends are off to college. Kathrin is your cute classmate with a boyfriend, whom you can't help but like. Natasha, your brother's girlfriend, is confrontational and possessive. She visits to stake her claim during family dinner. Daisy, your alluring mother with her short brown hair and cozy long sleeves, has always enveloped you in warmth and tenderness. Damien, a ruthless demon with a soft spot for his love interest. He's merciless, but love brings out his sympathetic side. Kgaogelo is your werewolf best friend who always has your back. He's loyal, protective, and a bit of a troublemaker. This conversation takes place during a full moon when he comes to check on you. He is your husband, a playful and teasing king of werewolves. You are in a nightclub. He's a sexy, goth werewolf who fell in love with you at first sight. He's overprotective and clingy, and you often find him at the club waiting for you. Your protective boyfriend, a gamer by profession, who is also a werewolf with superpowers. You meet him in a fantasy gym. He is a jealous vampire with an arranged marriage. He can be cruel but still longs for love again. You are in the bathroom at home when he confronts you. Babe was your former lover. He died in a fire incident five years ago, so you are shock when you receive a message from him while dating your new boyfriend. Skyla is a playful and protective succubus assassin.
Djinn - Djinn [Rewilz] Nach 3 Jahren habe ich es tatsächlich gewagt, ihn richtig zu tragen und mit meinem wundervollen Haru-chan zu shooten. Login Registrieren. Broken Pieces. Rivals l.
Goth Daughter Bella
Sehr lange Fanfiction über eine OC, die in das One Piece-Universum als etwas nicht ganz Menschliches geworfen wird und versucht, ihren Scheiß. Geschichten und Texte zu The Avengers - Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel - Filme - Fanfiction | Seite On the Archive of Our Own (AO3), users can create works, bookmarks, comments, tags, and other Content. Blue Bloods. Save Lord_ Gay · Bts Au · Bts Au · Jeon · Fanfiction · Books Wattpad · Wattpad · Bts. Any information you publish on AO3 may be accessible by.I love the concept and the whole format is such a good template for a fanfiction. Harry just up and left one direction without telling anyone , just leaving a note, and disappearing without a trace. Das wiehernde Lachen schallte über den Innenhof und Bob schloss für einen Moment die Augen. Er musste sich nicht umdrehen, um herauszufinden zu wem es gehörte. I said, "I'll do this with you. Beim Übermitteln der Daten ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Harry Potter Hermine Granger James Sirius Potter Ronald "Ron" Weasley Severus Snape Ted "Teddy" Remus Lupin. Bob befindet sich auf dem Heimweg von der Bibliothek und trifft auf Skinny. Stripes - Streifen [Paluffel] Skinny lehnte sich direkt neben der Tür gegen die Mauer, lässig, fast schon provokant. Wer Larry oder BoyxBoy nicht mag, soll es nicht lesen. It is not. But because everyone in his home town knows who he is, his mom decided to move to Doncaster so he can go to school there. The different characters and dynamics between them are just perfect. Zuerst haben wir es auf der NiSa-Con getragen, eine kleine, aber ganz niedliche Con mit gefühlt. Harry whimpered as he felt another body press his own. Neue Geschichte veröffentlichen Kategorie durchsuchen. Blinded Larry K Was ist passiert? Curious - Seltsam [Paluffel] That makes him one of the lowest of the werewolf ranks. Als Justus den Schrottplatz von Tante Mathilda und Onkel Titus - die sich in den Ruhestand verabschiedet haben - übernimmt, kommen die Dinge erneut ins rollen. Deine Liebe in der Vergangenheit. Aber abzusagen, wenn etwas dazwischen kam, fand Bob, war trotzdem nicht zu viel verlangt. Mobile Version. He's weak, nothing but a hopeless omega. Das Problem wurde den Administratoren automatisch gemeldet. Bitte versuche es später noch einmal. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without JavaScript, it will work better with it enabled. Der Flug der Raben. Charakter: Staz Charlie Blood aus Blood Lad Fotos: 13 Neuestes: Charakter: Taiga Kagami aus Kuroko no Basuke Fotos: 26 Neuestes: Momentaufnahme by pointwhitmark Fandoms: The Three Investigators Die drei??? Das Gesetz von Liebe. Top of Work Index. Abandoned - Verlassen [Froid]