Könnten wir den Tisch am Fenster haben? German is not an international language like English, French, Spanish or Portuguese, because German emigration to other continents, though substantial, was individual and statelesswithout the military or cultural support of an empire. Thus, over time, German settlers in the Americas, Southern Africa and Oceania have been absorbed by their host nations and lost their language. Furthermore, two world wars have reduced the German-speaking territories and led to loss of goodwill and the closure of cultural institutions, such as schools in countries like the US and Brazil. It has an etymological spelling style out of touch with current pronunciationhowever, pronunciation can be predicted from the written form. German has four cases and three grammatical genders, with agreement between articles, adjectives and nouns. The declination of adjectives differs depending on whether the noun phrase is definite or indefinite. German nouns themselves have almost no case inflectionthe inflection marker resides mainly Gay Bottom Belgium Tumblr the article. A special trait of German is the use of umlaut for inflections. Verbs inflect for person and number, and agree with the subject. Apart from inflectional endings, a large number of so-called strong verbs have internal vowel changes to mark tense inflection, and umlaut occurs in second and thrid person singular verb forms, as well as in the past subjunctive. German is famous for having a large lexicon. This is due in part to a long literary tradition accumulating synonyms from many ages and dialectsas well as the fact that German allows word compoundingwhere English uses chains of noun and French, prepositional phrases after nouns. Another reason for the size of the German lexicon is the mighty German bureaucracy, needing a bureaucratic word for everything. The German dialectal landscape is very complexin part because the language area for most of its history was a political patchwork of sovereign areas only loosely held together by an elected emperor. There are also dialectal differences found in the lexicon. The variation among the German dialects is considerable, with often only neighbouring dialects being mutually intelligible. Some dialects are not intelligible to people who know only Standard German. Low Saxon dialects are divided into Low Saxonwhich includes Schleswigish SchleswigischHolsteinish HolsteinischNorth Low Saxon NordniedersächsischEast Frisian Groninger PlattLow Saxon dialects in the Netherlands Nordniedersächsische Dialekte in den NiederlandenWestphalian Westfälisch and Eastphalian Ostfälischand into East Low Saxonwhich comprises Mecklenburgish Mecklenburgisch-VorpommerschNorth Markish Nordmärkisch and Central Markish Mittelmärkisch. The High German dialects consist of the Central German and Upper German dialects. Central German can be further divided into West Central Germanwhich includes Ripuarian RipuarischMoselle Franconian MoselfränkischLuxembourgish LetzeburgischHessian HessischPalatine Pfälzisch and Lorraine-Franconian Lothringisch-Fränkischand into East Central Germanwhich comprises Thuringian ThüringischSaxon SächsischBerlin dialect Berliner Dialekt and Lusatian-Silesian Lausitzisch-Schlesisch. Upper German can be further divided into North Upper Germanwhich includes East Franconian Ostfränkisch and South Franconian Südfränkischinto West Upper Germanwhich comprises Swabian SchwäbischLow Alemannic NiederalemannischAlsatian ElsässischHigh Alemannic Hochalemannisch and Highest Alemannic Höchstalemannischand into East Upper Germanwhich includes North Austro-Bavarian NordbairischCentral Austro-Bavarian Mittelbairisch and South Austro-Bavarian Südbairisch. Hallo German Study Buddies, I recently completed a topic about Gleichberechtigung zwischen Frauen und Männer Equality between women and men and I thought I would share some vocabulary. Phrases: Es muss aufhören — it needs to stop mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen — to lead with a good example gegen ihren Willen — against their will. Frauen werden wie als Menschen zweiter Klasse behandelt. Das Rollenb i ld, das Frauen vor allem nur für die Familie und Kinder verantwortlich macht, muss in der Zukunft noch weiter überdacht werden. Frauen werden wie Menschen zweiter Klasse behandelt or Frauen werden als Menschen zweiter Klasse behandelt but most people would say the first one. German is my native language and I wanted to make a short list with books I enjoyed. Reading is important when you learn a language, so this list might help you! At the beginning of every year we have a tradition of posting our Top 42 Gay Bottom Belgium Tumblr Posts from the previous year. The most viewed post with 68 views was Ways To Describe Sounds. It was the most popular by more than 25 over the second placed post, 75 Words That Describe Gay Bottom Belgium Tumblr. In third place overall was Writing A Memoir? Narrow Your Focus. You can be in the hell called Back of the House but would rather not be thrown out there I encourage all non-American people or Americans too if they watch other stuff to add to the list. One of the most famous modern films of all times in Europe. Romantic comedy narrated in a very cool and interesting way, with touches of fantasy. Trailer in French with English subs.
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