Füge eine Handlung in deiner Sprache hinzu A mischievous kitten named Banjo runs away from home and soon realizes he may have made a mistake. A mischievous kitten named Banjo runs away from home and soon realizes he may have made a mistake. Crazy Legs : I'll stick with you, kid. You stick with me. Now together we'll overcome adversity. And old man trouble: well, he'll have to let you be, cause you're gonna come out smiling. Crazy Legs : If you stick with me. Crazy Legs : So keep your chin up and look up high. You'll find your troubles will pass you by. Alle Alle. Besetzung und Crew-Mitglieder Benutzerrezensionen Wissenswertes IMDbPro. Banjo the Woodpile Cat Fernsehfilm G 29 Min. IHRE BEWERTUNG. Animation Comedy Family Musical. Regie Don Bluth. Don Bluth Toby Bluth. Scatman Crothers Beah Richards Sparky Marcus. Siehe Produktionsinformationen bei IMDbPro. Fotos 7 Foto hinzufügen. Topbesetzung 11 Ändern. Scatman Crothers Crazy Legs Synchronisation. Beah Richards Zazu Synchronisation. Sparky Marcus Banjo Synchronisation. Jerry Harper Additional Voices Synchronisation. Ken Sansom Additional Voices Synchronisation. Anne Beesley Additional Voices Synchronisation as Ann E. Robin Muir Additional Voices Synchronisation. Georgette Rampone Additional Voices Synchronisation as Georgette Ramponi. Jackie Ward Singer Synchronisation. Sally Stevens Singer Synchronisation. Sue Allen Singer Synchronisation. Don Bluth. Mehr wie diese. Handlung Ändern. WUSSTEST DU SCHON: Ändern. Wissenswertes The story is partially based on one of Don Bluth 's real-life experiences whilst living on a farm. The family's cat, who lived in a woodpile nearby, disappeared only to return to the farm and stay there several weeks later. Zitate Crazy Legs : I'll stick with you, kid. And old man trouble: well, he'll have to let you be, cause you're gonna come out smiling [singing] Crazy Legs : If you stick with me. Alternative Versionen The Spanish dub re-edits most of the songs. Dezember Soundtracks He Couldn't Be Good Music and Lyrics by Don Bluth Performed by Jackie Ward Danny Der Kater Vier Pfoten Erobern Hollywood Gay Purr-ee, Sally Stevens and Sue Allen.
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