Hey, guess what? You remember how those stars aided Nightmare Moon in her escape? Yeah, Lauren Faust confirmed this week that was Celestia releasing her own sister. For some reason the fandom had a meltdown over this apparently, and Faust even backed off her statement. But I think it's still a very interesting premise and is symbolic of the high attention to detail Faust paid to the first season, peace be upon her. There's a ton of con news this week too. We'll talk about the death of HAHcon, the Rift Cafe analcyst's deciding to set up their own replacement, and TrotCon already beating their pre-reg record. Oh, and HarmonyCon is happening next weekend! How do I tone it down to a side interest at most? Welcome to 4evrcast, with our special guests 4chan Circle Jerk Gay and the cast of mlpwillbe4evr direct from HarmonyCon If we can get all the electric gadgets to work right, we should be able to bring everyone together virtually and have a fun little podcast thing for y'all. Or maybe not, it's hard to get news out of Dallas right now. In pony news, there's a new Transformers crossover comic announced, a new version of Secret Horse Files is out, and we're all gonna pledge to never take a 3D woman and remain voluntarily celibate for our pony waifus. So put on your masks, we're going to a con and you don't want to catch this c-convirus. Trust me. Do you take the pledge? BUT By doing so you crosscontaminate it and bring the C-virus over with you 4chan Circle Jerk Gay it can infect ponies What choice do you make anons? If you go. You will never see any of your family again. Everyone will think your dead. Would you do it? The country of Equestria is mostly inhabited by ponies at the beginning of the show, buy you can see more non-ponies living or at least visiting the country as the show progresses, specially after 4chan Circle Jerk Gay takes power while the Sister princesses take a much delayed vacation. How large are herds? What is the normal mare-to-stallion ration in herds? Has anyone stolen MLP merch? Hier klicken, um den Feed zu aktualisieren. It's another week, and Hasbro just dropped a made for kids video that looks a lot like Pony Life but it's What happened to the CalArts animated horse shit? Speaking of videos on YouTube, what are some alternatives now that COPPA's come and fucked that all up? Maybe pony. We might also even talk about the dumb coronovirus and how it might affect ponies or some shit, idk I feel like we're stretching now. Are you? What happens next? Fandom memories? Daddy is gone to Africa, home of the Ziggers, so retardo ricardo is at the helm again. Is a horsie trap really gay? I mean, they're a pony so can you really do any gay shit with them? Hopefully that'll satisfy you thirsty fags, cause it's all I've got. I'm really runnin outta ideas here. You can beat a dead horse only so many times before there's nothing left. Sit back, grab a cold one, and prepare to cringe at this shitfest of a fuckin podcast. The first podcast ofwhat the buck is up? Today's the third day of Christmas, what are you guys up to?
Inhalt 1. Dritter Teil Was Tun? Kapitel 3. A creature with life of its own. So geht es denn auch weniger um den genauen Status des einzelnen meme.
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Then come hang out with other like-minded anons as we talk ponies, fandom drama, and the latest. Procesos. Lidl marostica. Besetzung von die zwillinge vom immenhof 4chan adult. Equinox st james price. Is nationality the decisive factor that sets the circle participants apart from one another? Bakekaincontri gay torino. Or does the curator's gender have a greater impact? Page 3. seit Gründung einen Weg von unzensierter Meinungsäußerung (ähnlich wie 4chan) zum user-moderierten Beitragshub zurückgelegt hat, wie viele. Do you enjoy browsing the memes on 4chan's /mlp/ board? Or does it.Hopefully that'll satisfy you thirsty fags, cause it's all I've got. Attardo [Hg. Grundregeln76 anarchisch organisiert ist. Doch auch diese 96 Strick S. Ein hybrides, ironisches, seine Verweisstrukturen selbstref lexiv zur Schau stellendes Werk muss in keiner Weise Ausdruck einer offenen, progressiven Gesinnung sein. Die verlorene Ferne des Faschismus. Was im Mem einerseits durch die kunsthistorische Referenz thematisiert scheint, ist ein Grundaspekt aller memes. Auch Dawkins vermerkte schon, wie stark die Selbstbezogenheit solcher memes ist, was den Rezeptionsprozess verkompliziert. Share this chapter. Damit einher geht ein Othering von anderen ethnischen und nationalen Gruppen, welches einen enormen Einfluss darauf hat, wie Stereotype in Memes aufgegriffen werden. Strick, S. Rechte Gefühle: Affekte und Strategien des digitalen Faschismus , Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, , pp. Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by transcript Verlag Supplementary Materials. It's another week, and Hasbro just dropped a made for kids video that looks a lot like Pony Life but it's Das Bild findet sich zum Beispiel auf T-Shirts92 oder Stofftaschen gedruckt. Neueste Früheste Am häufigsten gespielt Am beliebtesten Suchen. Leseprobe Memes. So put on your masks, we're going to a con and you don't want to catch this c-convirus. Sign up and create your flipbook. Nazis weinen. Hier klicken, um den Feed zu aktualisieren. Zensur und Erschöpfung. Juli Bielefeld: transcript Verlag; Zensur und Erschöpfung". Lavin S. Als Gegenpol zu 4chan fungierte vor allem in den Zehnerjahren des