You have full access to this open access chapter. Why is the thematisation of gender linked to social criticism and criticism of music institutions as well as criticism of music as institution? Institutions and institutionalised organisations should be regarded as intermediate instances located between society as a whole and the individual. In them, Fetisch Gos Classic Music Gay relations are created and reproduced, discussed, and transformed. The thematisation of gender and the associated criticism within institutions then means, above all, dealing with gender-specific power relations. Moreover, the spectrum of approaches in art and art studies for thematising gender ranges from criticism of the exclusion of women from history to criticism of the dominance of certain discourses. Therefore, the integration of gender in the field of music implies aspects and measures of institutional gender equality policy as well as fundamental perspectives critical of music discourses, music theory, and musicology, and thus also institutionally critical perspectives. You have full access to this open access chapter, Download chapter PDF. One of the objectives of the European Research Area and Innovation Committee ERAC is to achieve gender balance in all areas and at all hierarchical levels of national scientific and research activities and institutions in the EU vertical and horizontal segregation. It mainly refers to eliminating the underrepresentation of persons or groups of persons in certain fields. For a long time the main aim was to reduce the underrepresentation of women through measures to promote women. In the meantime, an expansion has taken place as part of the development of gender mainstreaming and diversity management: on the one hand, more emphasis is being placed on equal opportunities for everyone, while on the other hand, some of the responsibility for achieving gender balance has been transferred to institutional communities cf. Cordes Fetisch Gos Classic Music Gay, — First, empirical data and statistical reports can make the underrepresentation of women and minorities highly visible. Second, they suggest the importance of determining the reasons for this underrepresentation. Third, they can inspire initiatives and measures to change the data. Such measures include quotas or parity arrangements, but they are not uncontroversial cf. Cordes Figuring out the reasons for certain numerical ratios and then changing their origins is a far more complex and difficult matter. Only in the complex interplay of these three factors is it possible to formulate a meaningful equality policy that includes gender but also other diversity categories, such as religion, ethnic origin, social status, age, sexual orientation, and world view. Thus, the thematisation of gender in very different contexts usually not only addresses concerns of society as a whole but also almost always touches on very personal areas, often provoking defensive attitudes. In addition, to this day feminism holds critical potential as a starting point for the thematisation of gender that has not completely disappeared even in the post-feminist age—although it has changed and been partly relativised. It is now also accepted that feminism itself is characterized by diversity, fragmentation, and a series of internal contestations. Footnote 1. This still includes criticising dominant cultures, denouncing and combating different forms of discrimination of womenand advocating for equal rights of women. It is important in this context to recall the importance of figures and statistics: they highlight systematic discrimination and institutional power structures as well as inequalities and disadvantageous differences. Infor example, the presentation of statistics from the Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music by composer Ashley Fure gave a clear picture of the exclusion of women until the s. Hardly any works by female composers were played, and for a long time no women were invited as lecturers GRiD The reasons for this are certainly to be found on the one hand in the male-dominated decision-making structures but on the other hand also in the lack of dissenting voices or in the lack of awareness that there was a considerable imbalance in this regard. In other words, phallocentrism effaces the autonomous representation of femininity […] Within phallocentrism paradigms femininity can only be represented in some necessary relation to masculinity Crosz In the following remarks, I will discuss the extent to which a critical attitude towards the existing circumstances is generally linked to the discussion of gender. Why do gender equality policy and increasing gender competencies in institutions simultaneously mean a critique of institutions? Why is the music sector usually very resistant to these critical approaches? Why are traditional patterns of canon formation and outdated gender discourses also reproduced in the field of contemporary music? To what extent does it make sense to classify related changes in the context of neoliberalism in terms of education and science policy? What counterarguments are to be expected?
Köln: DuMont, Kürten: Stockhausen-Verlag. However, sexuality and classical as well as contemporary music are by no means topics that have been discussed generally and comprehensively in recent years cf. In this context, the music of Philip Glass or Judith Weir is despised and rejected, or at best just tolerated. Third, they can inspire initiatives and measures to change the data. Macht — Herrschaft — Gewalt, In Politikwissenschaft und Geschlecht. Second, they suggest the importance of determining the reasons for this underrepresentation.
Tanja Lilienblum and Marco Gonzales translate the entire. As art music goes, minimalism has definitely hit the bigtime. Philharmonic, the Mozarteum Orchestra, the Camerata Salzburg,. Between the music acts, people from our LGBTIQ* community will have their say with short speeches. Instead tion, Recording, and Authority in 'Classic' Minimalism,” Twentieth Century Music. Chris tian. programme reads like a Who's Who of classical music: the Vienna. You all really made the Yuletide gay last weekend #tbt to UNCUT: Jingle classic circuit DJs and newcomers bringing the heat during MAL weekend!Interdisciplinary in both scope and method, the book considers the violences visited upon gender-nonconforming bodies that are surveilled and othered, and the contemporary resonances of the Latisha King killing. Freiburg i. As one can assume, music or sound composition itself will not be able to make certain statements, but messages in music can result from ethical or political attitudes of the producers and from musical contexts or from the material of the music, its use, and its effect in the comparison of different pieces or compositions cf. Buch Erfordert eine Authentifizierung Nicht lizenziert Lizenziert Tropics of Desire Interventions from Queer Latino America. Diversity network LinkedIn. Buch Erfordert eine Authentifizierung Nicht lizenziert Lizenziert Relocations Queer Suburban Imaginaries. He plays his own songs at the Pride. Sign language interpreters Tanja Lilienblum and Marco Gonzales translate the entire Main Stage program on Saturday and Sunday. Footnote Club, Elisemstr. Together with DJ Denny Deluxe, our crew and the prettiest boys in town, we'll let it all out and party with you all night long. Garry Klein, the safer space for queer people in Munich. Why is the thematisation of gender linked to social criticism and criticism of institutions? Bristol Myers Squibb — Pride Alliance Semitrailer. Buch Erfordert eine Authentifizierung Nicht lizenziert Lizenziert Queer Globalizations Citizenship and the Afterlife of Colonialism. Landeshauptstadt München — QUEER NET LHM Semitrailer. Rainbow Family Area Saturday, June 22, 12 noon till 7 pm Location You will find the Rainbow Family Area on Frauenplatz directly in front of the cathedral. Is that even how it's said? For the 18th-century English club, see Kit-Cat Club. Educational institutions, such as music academies and colleges, are institutionalised social organisations that mainly teach music practice and music knowledge or discourses. Evangelische Jugend München Small truck. The last question was of course meant ironically, but these and similar circular trains of thought constantly accompany the thematisation of gender. Brüggmann, Franziska. Group Facebook. Here is the order of the groups in the parade:. This would imply that the rational, analytical penetration of a piece of music would be supplemented by reflection on its phenomenological, physical-sensual, and emotional effect on the interpreters, analysts, listeners, users , its perception and re-actions, because it is precisely physicality, sensuality, perception, and listening positions that have often been excluded. Swim at the Pride Beach Party in a bikini, swimming trunks or party outfit, enjoy a colorful drink and dance to the music of DJ Erhyc.