Mitte Karl-Marx-Allee 33, Berlin. Kino International Mitte Karl-Marx-Allee 33, Berlin Get tickets. This landmark protected building will reopen in after a complete renovation. Telephone Guest Service The former premiere house of the GDR is still one of the most important premiere cinemas in Berlin and has been the venue of the Berlinale since The theater is also legendary thanks to its elegant s interior, a perfectly proportioned cinema hall and the Panorama Bar with its breathtaking view of the former boulevard of East Berlin. Kino International is not only one of Berlin's most important cinemas, it is also one of the architectural crown jewels of the reunited city. Today, as a listed cinema monument, it is just as famous worldwide as it is as a major premiere house. Filmmakers such as Tilda Swinton, Steven Spielberg, Barry Jenkins, Taika Waititi, Spike Lee and many others have been guests here to present their films to the public for the first time. One could make a film about the moving story of the International. It would tell, for example, how Heiner Carow's Coming Out celebrated its premiere on 9 November A sensation and the result of many years of effort to be allowed to make a film about homosexuality in the GDR that promoted tolerance. The film title was to become the programme for the fate of an entire nation on the same night. The Berlin Wall falls during the first of the two premiere screenings. When the guests left the cinema, they found themselves in a whole different reality. In many ways, this evening is a turning point in the history of cinema between the GDR and reunified Berlin. Waldemar Grzimek, Hubert Schiefelbein and Karl-Heinz Schamal designed Berlin Kino Bohemian Gay Monday part sculpture relief From the Lives of Today's People, which extends over Berlin Kino Bohemian Gay Monday three windowless sides, from only two moulds. The building itself has everything for ceremonial DEFA film premieres in the presence of the GDR state leadership: a separate row with extra legroom, a representation room for receptions, and even its own nuclear bomb shelter. Countless DEFA premieres, festive balls and banquets were celebrated here. Even concerts took place in the cinema. But the people of East Berlin also flocked to the cinema away from the big premieres. DEFA classics like Solo Sunny, but also selected West German films like Dirty Dancing, attracted more thanviewers. Sometimes, however, unpleasant scenes took place away from the screen. Inthe SED leadership staged protests during screenings and in front of the cinema against the film Spur der Steinewhich seemed too critical to the party leadership. The staged riots were taken as an opportunity to ban the film. Only a few days after the premiere, it disappeared from the programme and director Frank Beyer's career was put on hold for years. It was only two weeks after the fall of the Wall that the film was shown again for the first time at the Kino International, as well as in at the Berlinale, which took place that year for the first, but not the last time at the International Sincethe International has belonged to the Yorck Kinogruppe, which looks after the cinema in several ways. The building is constantly being carefully maintained, refurbished and renovated in keeping with its status as a listed building. It is still one of the most important premiere cinemas in Germany and welcomes national and international filmmakers for first screenings. And the Yorck Kinogruppe also ties in programmatically with the events surrounding the premiere of Coming Out on 9 November Sincethe Mongay film series has been a fixed part of the cinema programme, bringing a current queer film to the big screen on Karl-Marx-Allee every Monday at 10 pm. It is the oldest queer film series in Germany. Walter Ulbricht angrily leaves the hall because the copy of the film is faulty. Following on from the events ofComing Out kicks off the series.
Das schweigende Klassenzimmer History. Was also bleibt vom Schaffen eines Kurators, der ja selbst keine Kunst produziert, sondern sie lediglich auswählt und in Verbindung setzt? Auf diese Weise ist schwuKategorisierung taucht aber trotzdem auch ein Problem auf. A Very Natural Thing Vereinigte Staaten — Regie: Christopher Larkin. The refreshing comedy of the chambermaid, who safely lands a rich husband and keeps him under her thumb after the wedding, has lost none of its effervescent….
Queer Monday: What a Feeling. The most beautiful concerts and operas. Wiehagen Siegessäule Februar , Berlin's queer magazine, Themen: Berlinale, Hafen, befristete Arbeit, Boy Harsher, Der verlorene Sohn. Lumos Lichtspiel & Lounge - Bismarckstraße 1, Nidda: Film-Archiv | Aktuelles Kinoprogramm, Kino, Film- und Kino-Infos, Online-Tickets, News. DÜSSELDORF Höhepunkt Gay-Kino. Enjoy the top-class productions at Berlin's opera houses and performances by world-class orchestras. @ Cinema. Wanner Str. , PLZ LGS (3).Measures of Men History. Shahid Comedy. Bereits in den 80er-Jahren setzte er sich mit Genderfragen und marginalisierter Sexualität auseinander. Manche finden, Sicherheitskontrollen und -auflagen dieser Art seien nach dem tödlichen Brand in der Steam Works Sauna vor zwei Jahren notwendig geworden. Männer bezog. It enabled me to go a little deeper. Die Hard Action. Einziges Manko: der Service ist derzeit nur in Friedrichshain verfügbar. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt schien sie allerdings noch nicht in der Lage gewesen zu sein, ihrer Kreativität Grenzen zu setzen: Überbordend, zerfasert, langatmig — das sind Begriffe, die auf diesen Vorgängerroman leider teils zutreffen. Ein Zuhause am Ende der Welt A Home at the End of the World Vereinigte Staaten — Regie: Michael Mayer. Auf seine Weise ebenso unerbittlich und provokant war der iranische Theatermacher Reza Abdoh. Davis , Dylan Hansen-Fliedner , Jay Jadick , Dane Mainella. Marienkirche Mitte St. Sichtbarkeit war für den Fortschritt unerlässlich, das hatten wir noch in den 70ern gelernt. Blutsfreundschaft Österreich — Regie: Peter Kern. Sunflower Drama. Re-Release: Pulp Fiction Movie Classic. Die Berlinale-Sektion Panorama feiert ihr vierzigstes Jubiläum! Der Dritte El tercero Argentinien — Regie: Rodrigo Guerrero. And the Party Goes On Comedy. Boost your meat, party till Lab. Seine Mutter Nicole Kidman begleitet Jared zu der abgeschotteten Einrichtung, deren selbst ernannter Therapeut Viktor Sykes Joel Edgerton ein entwürdigendes Umerziehungsprogramm leitet. Christmas concert in the French Friedrichstadt Church. Kaum da angekommen wird auch schon wieder heftig zurückgerudert. Karaoke night. Freeheld Kurz-Dokumentation, Vereinigte Staaten — Regie: Cynthia Wade. Für westliche Sehgewohnheiten wirkt die Lovestory zwar recht konventionell und züchtig — in einem Land wie Kenia hingegen, in dem homosexuelle Handlungen illegal sind, ist ein solcher Film revolutionär. A Quiet Place: Day One Horror. Stressresistenz, Geduld, Freundlichkeit und Verständnis für Patienten sind erwünscht, sichere Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift notwendig. Kissing Darkness Vereinigte Staaten — Regie: James Townsend. Nerds sind diese merkwürdigen, blassen Geschöpfe aus Schulzeiten mit Inselbegabung, Riesenbrillen, schlechter Körperhaltung und seltsam ausgebeulten Hosen, wo in jeder Tasche ein Schraubenzieher oder anderes Werkzeug zu finden war.