About Us Privacy Policy Removal Request. Visit Tumblr Blog. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. Last Seen Tumblr Blogs. Fun Code Geass Schneizel Gay. Ken Ichijoji x Davis Motomiya Daiken Ken Ichijoji Davis Motomiya digimon Mandark x Dexter Mandark Dexter dexter laboratory David Xanatos x Owen Burnett David Xanatos Owen Burnett disney gargoyles anime cartoon slash ships slash shipping poll ship poll poll gif. ShanxPennywise Traditional Art Lineart Old Art Monochrome Ink Drawing Drawing Practice Fanart Crossover Cartoon Anime Manga Favourite Villains Horror Horror Fan. Townsville's heroes, and saviors from ultimate doom, heroes from the evils of villains! Have now grown up from little girls to their teens, and eventually turning 18 years old. They retired briefly in High School, in order to pursue Academics, Blossom was training up to be either an engineer, or a scientist like the Professor, for years she's been building a thesis on Chemical X, which has a long history, if you asked her about it she would go off on where exactly it came from, why it's so powerful, etc. His smug grin every time boils her blood, thankfully both Mandark's rivals are friends, mhm, Dexter is friends with Blossom, and together they come up with amazing science experiments, Brick will help on occasion too, he's more of a math and statistics kind of guy, than a science guy, but he's good friends with Blossom, and might have a tiny crush on her, so he's willing to help any time. Bubbles and Boomer were in the arts together, Bubbles is still a really good painter, and even made a full scale mural of the Professor, and them in the living room once, where it still stays to this very day, she mostly does landscaping and flower paintings, and sells them for a lot of money, Boomer however is more of a digital artist, he likes making animations, and has thought of making his own series many times, mostly he makes animation memes, and draws fanart, and sells prints of his work online, and at cons. Buttercup and Butch were the main athletes in High School for a very long time, competing in a lot of Competitions since they were like 10, Buttercup was an absolute BEAST at soccer, scoring multiple times in a row, while Butch competed mainly in a good game of Tennis, and was known only as the King of Tennis at School. Mojo Jojo had retired from villainy at that time as well, because he could not defeat the Powerpuff Girls at his hands! At the moment! But also because he was just in general very very tired, and just wanted to binge his new favorite show Lake Oak, a good drama, but when they killed off his favorite character for being gay, he returned to a life of villainy. In that time Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, even Brick, Boomer, and Butch, and yes even Dexter discovered some things about themselves. Code Geass Schneizel Gay found that she was kind of bi, discovered this when she easily crushed on any nerdy girl or boy or nb person, just falling for them, of course Dexter, and Brick are still friends, despite reaching her level of nerdiness, but yeah. Brick found himself to be pretty bi himself as well, he even crushed on the same kind of people as Blossom did, intelligent nerdy individuals, and even crushed on Blossom and Dexter for a bit during High School, but they all collectively decided to stay friends, just friends. Now Dexter discovered that he was an Asexual, but wouldn't mind dating anyone, and got crushes all the time, he's also a bit pan, and is crushing hard on someone currently, but everytime Brick and Blossom asks he kinda clams up a bit about it. Now Buttercup found that she was a big lesbian, loved girls, any athletic girl, and Butch found himself to be very gay for athletic guys, very very VERY gay for athletic guys. The amount of athletic people Buttercup and Butch fawn over together is very high, if you asked them who their crush is, they'd probably short circuit thinking of all the muscly ones they've crushed on. Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup were thrust completely back into crime fighting during their sophomore year, when trouble struck once more, and evil reared its ugly head, with new and old villains coming out of the woodworks to stop them from having a normal High School experience. But they still manage to save the day! In the end! Nothing can stop them really, they're the Powerpuff Girls! Of course it's that same old story most tell of a High School kid balancing their academic life, social life, and fighting giant monsters, and dastardly villains life. Finally though they reach the age of 18, and get to take a break, a cruise might be nice. If you disagree with any of the criteria selected or think more criteria should be selected, please give a reason why! Characters detailed here: Martin Prince The SimpsonsMaxie PokemonMelvin Sneedly Captain UnderpantsSniffles Happy Tree FriendsStanford Pines Gravity FallsSteroids Nuclear Throne. There are more characters starting with S - they will be in the next and final Checklist post. Martin Prince The Simpsons Maxie Pokemon Melvin Sneedly Captain Underpants Sniffles Happy Tree Friends Stanford Pines Gravity Falls Steroids Nuclear Throne Nuclear Throne Contestants Centre. Im not sure if my writings gotten better but I'll be re writing and reposting these on a03 yes i know its 2 shots but eh little me was busy with his sockathan ask blog. Elaborating on my dexter's laboratory Code Geass Schneizel Gay bee swarm simulator au because i'm crazy. Dexter would be a white hive and mandark would be a red hive. I want to say dexter would be a blue hive bc that fits perfectly into the red vs blue thing going on in-game but the blue bees don't suit him very much
Und das nur, weil ich wissen wollte wie Ririchiyo ist. Von: chibinis-chan Fotograf: -Arulithia-. Jemand wird ausgesucht, der aufstehen und die ganze Aufmerksamkeit auf sich lenken soll, damit ein anderer die Tests vertauschen und so schummeln kann. Fotos: 32 Neuestes: Charakter: Kaoru aus Dir en grey Fotos: 25 Neuestes:
Anime Sternzeichen 🤙
Discover videos related to Der Prinz Von Aschenbrödel Ist Gay on TikTok. watch me cosplay every character from code geass #codegeass #codegeasscosplay #schneizel #schneizelelbritannia #schneizelcosplay · gravity. Abgeschlossene Anime-Serien · Afro Samurai · Angel Beats · Blood+ · Clannad · Code Geass · Cowboy Bebop · Death Note. M posts. Lelouch Lamperouge/vi Britannia/Zero/Julius Kingsley aus Code Geass "Prince Schneizel loves strange people, including me. Man fühlt sich unglaublich gay.Wurde sie vernichtet, teilweise vernichtet oder wiedergeboren? Musik bedeutet mir ziemlich viel, und höre unglaublich gerne tolle Musik. Ja das find ich auch faszinierend, aber vor allem: Warum finden wir eine Serie dann so gut? Zumindest, wenn der Synchronizitäts-Wert hoch ist. Bubbles and Boomer were in the arts together, Bubbles is still a really good painter, and even made a full scale mural of the Professor, and them in the living room once, where it still stays to this very day, she mostly does landscaping and flower paintings, and sells them for a lot of money, Boomer however is more of a digital artist, he likes making animations, and has thought of making his own series many times, mostly he makes animation memes, and draws fanart, and sells prints of his work online, and at cons. Charakter: Ririchiyo Shirakiin aus Secret Service - Maison de Ayakashi Fotos: 21 Neuestes: Und ich würde hier auch ausnahmsweise empfehlen, sie auf Deutsch zu gucken, denn die Synchro finde ich echt gut. Und diese beiden hier höre ich sehr gerne sehr laut! Das geht ja nun mal so gar nicht. Die Engel hatten ja immer das Ziel sich mit Adam zu vereinen, aber sieht man den mal im HQ? Bis am Ende wie gesagt alles umgedreht wird. Ich bin klein und seh sehr jung aus als Junge. Charakter: Yamraiha aus Magi - The Labyrinth of Magic Fotos: 21 Neuestes: Gray-man Fotos: 23 Neuestes: Wie stehst den du zum Hauptcharakter? Afro Samurai ist ein Geschnetzel und Gemetzel ohnegleichen!!! Ich kann immer noch nicht glauben, dass wir das getan haben. Man muss das Spiel schaffen, was bedeutet, sich an allen Bossen auf allen Etagen des Turms in der Mitte bis ganz nach oben zu kämpfen. Jeanne, die Kamikaze-Diebin Fotos: 7 Neuestes: With Mad Scientist characters I like the idea of one of the kids creating a rip in the space time continuum to meet AU siblings and wackiness ensues. Aber hey, ich wollte Alibaba schon ewig cosplayn, er ist eigentlich genau mein Charakter, aber wahrscheinlich irritiert das alle wied. Charakter: C. Charakter: Syo Kurusu aus Uta no Prince-sama Fotos: 24 Neuestes: Sie machen es einem auch nicht einfach, dass alles zu verstehen, aber so macht es zumindest Sinn wieso der Am liebsten mag ich ja meinen Ohring. Ja stimmt hatte an den Engel der Asuka so schwer zu schaffen machte ganz vergessen. Und meine Gruppe ist einfach die geilste ever. You Humans are always so quick to speak of such things. Ich habs getan! In seinen Gedanken macht er es ja aus Wut heraus, aber warum dann auch am Strand? Alles sehr kompliziert und verwirrend wie ich finde.