USDOS — US Department of State Author. The Russian Federation has a highly centralized, authoritarian political system dominated by President Vladimir Putin. The bicameral Federal Assembly consists of a directly elected lower house State Duma and an appointed upper house Federation Councilboth of which lacked independence from the executive. State Duma Den Haag Gay Zebra Crossing during and the presidential election in were marked by accusations of government interference and manipulation of the electoral process. Security forces generally reported to civilian authorities, except in some areas of the North Caucasus. The government continued to train, equip, and supply pro-Russian forces in eastern Ukraine, who were joined by numerous fighters from Russia. Authorities also conducted politically motivated arrests, detentions, and trials of Ukrainian citizens in Russia, many of whom claimed to have been tortured. Human rights groups asserted that numerous Ukrainian citizens remained in Russia as political prisoners. The government passed repressive laws and selectively employed existing ones to harass, discredit, prosecute, imprison, detain, fine, and suppress individuals and organizations critical of the government. Under the expanded definition of political activities, authorities added environmental and HIV-prevention organizations to the list. Government Discrimination against Minorities: Authorities continued to discriminate against members of some religious and ethnic minorities; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex LGBTI persons; and migrant workers. The government failed to Den Haag Gay Zebra Crossing adequate steps to prosecute or punish most officials who committed abuses, resulting in a climate of impunity. Conflict in the North Caucasus between government forces, insurgents, Islamist militants, and criminals led to numerous abuses, including killings, torture, physical abuse, politically motivated abductions, and a general degradation in the rule of law. There were several reports that the government or its agents committed arbitrary or unlawful killings. In the North Caucasus, both authorities and local militants reportedly carried out numerous extrajudicial killings see section 1. Prison officials and police allegedly subjected inmates and suspects in custody to physical abuse that in some instances resulted in death see section 1. On July 15, police in Ingushetia separately questioned Marem Daliyeva and her husband Magomed Daliyev for suspected involvement in a bank robbery. During the interrogation law enforcement officials insulted and threatened Daliyeva, then covered her head in a black bag, and took her to an undisclosed location for further questioning. They continued to hit her and administered electric shock to her hands and her abdomen. They returned her to the police station and held her for an additional two hours before she was released and learned that her husband had died during his questioning. As a result of complaints filed by Daliyeva, on July 19 the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case on exceeding authority and violating the rights of a citizen. Physical abuse continued to be a problem in the armed forces. While there were no clear examples of physical abuse leading to death, there were cases of suspicious deaths. In one example, commanding officers deemed the death of conscript Andrey Shlychkov in March a suicide in their official account. The family claimed that senior officers beat the conscript to death, and then hanged him to suggest a suicide. The Committee for the Social Protection of Servicemen in Bashkiriya was investigating the cause of death, and a criminal investigation into whether the case involved instigation to suicide was underway. In February opposition politician Boris Nemtsov, deputy prime minister during the administration of Boris Yeltsin, was shot and killed on the streets of Moscow near the Kremlin. Authorities ultimately arrested five Chechens for the crime, with an additional suspect killed in an attempt to apprehend him in Chechnya. On October 3, the jury trial of the suspects began in a military court, with all five of the defendants pleading not guilty. One of the defendants, Zaur Dadayev, was formerly deputy commander of the North battalion of the Interior Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Chechnya. Reports indicated that Dadayev might have held a position within the ministry at the time of the killing. Dadayev confessed to the killing before recanting, claiming he had been tortured while in detention. The court summoned Geremeyev to testify as a witness on December 13, but Geremeyev did not appear in court. In December investigators charged Dadayev, Anzor Gubashev, Khamzat Bakhayev, Shadid Gubashev, and Temirlan Eskerkhanov with committing the murder as part of an organized group and illegally purchasing, carrying, transporting, and storing firearms. The country played a significant military role in conflicts outside of its borders, in Syria and in eastern Ukraine, where human rights organizations attributed thousands of civilian deaths as well as other human rights abuses to Russian-backed separatists and Russian occupation authorities in Crimea see Country Reports on Human Rights for Ukraine. Since September the country has conducted military operations including airstrikes in the continuing conflict in Syria. In Den Haag Gay Zebra Crossing a British public inquiry into the death in of Alexander Litvinenko, a former secret police KGB officer turned whistleblower and Putin critic, concluded that two Russian nationals, Andrey Lugovoy and Dmitriy Kuvtun, poisoned Litvinenko with a rare radioactive isotope, poloniumin London. The report also found it was probable that President Putin and the Federal Security Service FSB chief at the time, Nikolay Patrushev, had approved the killing, which was likely an FSB operation. Enforced disappearances for both political and financial reasons continued in the North Caucasus see section 1. According to the report of the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances, there were outstanding cases of enforced or involuntary disappearances in the country. Security forces were allegedly responsible for the kidnapping and disappearance of asylum seekers from Central Asia, particularly Uzbekistan and Tajikistan see section 2. Although the constitution prohibits such practices, numerous credible reports indicated that law enforcement personnel engaged in torture, abuse, and violence to coerce confessions from suspects, and authorities generally did not hold officials accountable for such actions. If law enforcement officers were prosecuted, they were typically charged with simple assault or exceeding their authority. According to human rights activists, judges often elected instead to use laws against abuse of power, because this definition, according to legal statutes, better captures the difference in authority between an officer of the law and the private individual who was abused.
The law forbids officials from entering a private residence except in cases prescribed by federal law or when authorized by a judicial decision. Molodist International Film Festival, German Shorts Night, Kyiv Such types of administrative pressure accounted for 11, of the reported cases, and occurred in Russian-occupied Crimea as well as in a number of regions of Russia. Best Animation on MovieScreenPro Film Festivals While there were no clear examples of physical abuse leading to death, there were cases of suspicious deaths.
Human Rights Watch World Report 2020: Ukraine
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