Project "PrEPped Intimacies in Berlin: Berlin Guy Gay Twitter Ambivalences and Embodied Subjects Berlin Guy Gay Twitter Biomedical HIV-Prevention". Having studied Social and Cultural Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin in my bachelor's, I obtained my Master of Science at the University of Amsterdam. As part of the program in Social Sciences, I conducted ethnographic fieldwork at an upmarket hairdressing salon in Berlin about bodies in styling practices. With an interest in Science and Technology Studies, Queer Studies, and Medical Anthropology, I conceptualize my PhD project about the co-constitution of biotechnologies and queer intimacies in HIV-prevention. Cultural Studies, University of Bremen. Urban Imaginaries: Between Space and Place in Berlin, SummerFUBiS International Summer and Winter Univeristy, Freie Universität Berlin. Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin. Anthropology of PharmaceuticalsSpring termB. My planned PhD project aims at situating PrEP as well as the discourses and practices surrounding it in the lives of gay men in Berlin, who constitute the main user group of PrEP. Care, and the Less of it: Haunted Gestures and the Affective Economy of Pharmaceutical HIV Prevention. Feminist Anthropology. Chemical becoming: Embodied moments of urban belonging in Berlin [Chemisch-Werden: Verkörperte Momente urbaner Zugehörigkeit in Berlin]. Moral Exposures, Public Appearances: Contested Presences of Non-Normative Sex in Pandemic Berlin. European Journal of Women's Studies 29 1 : Camp at the Salon: Anthropological Sense-Making with a Wink. Etnofoor 32 2 : In Suhbet with Queer Companions: An Affectionate Book Review. Back home to normal? Emerging spaces of queer intimacy and ethnographic pathways. Boasblog: Fieldwork meets crisis. Thinking sex in times of corona: A conversation. Somatosphere: Science, Medicine, and Anthropology. Blog Medizinethnologie. Where is my mind? Ecologies of healing and care in more-than-human worlds. Probst and K. Creative methods and participatory arts research in medical anthropology: Conference report of the 9th MAYS meeting. Medicine Anthropology Theory 4 4. Springe direkt zu Inhalt. Path Navigation Homepage Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology People Research Associates externally funded Max Schnepf. Max Schnepf Contact Personal Profile Teaching Research Publications. Postal adress: Landoltweg Office: Thielallee 52 Room Berlin. Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin Anthropology of PharmaceuticalsSpring termB. Journal articles [forthcoming]. Reports with H.
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Berghain fan page. Just a normal guy from Berlin Berlin's core of queer activity is Nollendorfplatz in Schöneberg in the south west just beside the city zoo. Love of #Berghain is something common between us. Adult content!! Berlin based! Founder + Editor in Chief at @kaltblutmag #noafd. Every year, the lesbian and gay street festival.Die während der Kriegszeit verstärkte Deportation in Konzentrationslager überlebt nur ein kleiner Teil der Verfolgten. Berlin für Frauen. Reiseangebote für Ihre Städtereise nach Berlin. Alle Details anzeigen. Damit bleibt das Berliner Polizeipräsidium am Alexanderplatz trotz seiner Duldungspolitik gegenüber der homosexuellen Szene eine Drohkulisse. Bilder in dieser Rezension. Sie wünschten sich nichts sehnlicher als ein Kind …äh, nee Liebe, Schönheit und. Every year, the lesbian and gay street festival takes place here, which marks the start of Pride Week. Moral Exposures, Public Appearances: Contested Presences of Non-Normative Sex in Pandemic Berlin. Location Nollendorfplatz Nollendorfplatz Berlin Nollendorfplatz Nollendorfplatz Berlin. Kaufoptionen und Plus-Produkte. Es gibt wieder Tunten- und Lesbenbälle! Der ehemalige Arbeiterbezirk Prenzlauer Berg besticht durch seinen besonderen Charme und seine alte Häuserstruktur. Über sechstausend namhafte Persönlichkeiten des Kaiserreichs haben die Petition unterzeichnet. Probst and K. November die Berliner Mauer. Location Kollwitzplatz Berlin Kollwitzplatz Berlin. In Berlin eröffnen etwa 40 Lokale als Treffpunkte für Männer — und zunehmend auch für Frauen. Having studied Social and Cultural Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin in my bachelor's, I obtained my Master of Science at the University of Amsterdam. Ecologies of healing and care in more-than-human worlds. Journal articles [forthcoming]. Viele haben die verlockende Erinnerung an das Berlin der er Jahre im Gepäck und sind zugleich mit Verfolgungserfahrungen aus der NS-Zeit belastet. Was ist los in Berlin? For a long shopping tour the area around the Hackescher Markt to Rosenthaler Platz is perfect. Tipps für schwul-lesbische Bars in Berlin. Location Hackescher Markt Hackescher Markt Berlin Hackescher Markt Hackescher Markt Berlin. Berliners of Turkish origin, students from around the world, a young party crowd and tenants' rights activists all gather in this district. Jason Chance. Medicine Anthropology Theory 4 4. Vorherige Vorherige Weiter Weiter. As part of the program in Social Sciences, I conducted ethnographic fieldwork at an upmarket hairdressing salon in Berlin about bodies in styling practices.