T hey always say Union Berlin is a family. It is probably more like your big love: you almost always love her or him, and sometimes there is intense hate. On a heated derby night we experienced everything yesterday: from a glorious win and boisterous support to idiots and brainless gay haters. And I do have something to say about all that. Union is a truly special thing for me, and the Alte Försterei a special place. Being able to stand instead of sit during a football match. To drink a beer with friends. To watch football. It feels like a family indeed. Yesterday there was a beautifully shot documentary about that as well on the BBC, with some quotes from yours truly. What I like so much about Union, is that it is down-to-earth and optimistic. There are some basic rules:. And then there are some minor rules. Bundesliga of course on a beautiful and historic monday night! Red lines crossed As the always awesome, but unfortunately in German, blog Textilvergehen already wrotemany of these rules were violated yesterday. So one of the reasons for me to write about it, is that English-languaged people can also read about and try to understand Union fan culture. Yes, the Hertha fans threw many more flares and rockets into the stands and onto the Bbc Gay Party Berlin. But it also happened from our side. We are not in the Kindergarten anymore. The Ultras fan scene the most fanatical supporters can be a great thing, and a massive support. They should be the driving force behind the goosebump atmosphere at the Alte Försterei. Bbc Gay Party Berlin they usually are. But the difference between fanatic support and macho violent behaviour is a fine one. And that red line was crossed several times yesterday. Rhetorical question. They almost managed to destroy the atmosphere during that historic win. Yesterday the same thing happened after the match. How brave. And they wanted to fight the other side. Some of them even threatened to attack our own players, which would have reflected very badly on the club and on ALL supporters. Only an intervention from goalkeeper Gikiewicz saved the day. We want loud support from the Waldseite. As the basic rule said: NOBODY is bigger than the club. We should be talking about the great match and a derby win. Not about you guys. Homophobic slurs And then the second reason for me to write about what happened on the stands yesterday. Homophobic banners. On Textilvergehen the writer asked himself how that would feel towards gay Union fans.
Wenn jemand Lärm macht, dann Enola Gay. Double Funk Night. Mai , 10 Uhr, auf eventim. Die gebürtige Nürnbergerin verarbeitet in ihren Songs Erfahrungen, Erlebnisse, aber auch Ängste und persönliche Challenges und scheut sich dabei nicht, den Menschen ein Spiegelbild ihrer Seele zu zeigen. If you have left or lost something at the club you write a mail to this address: [email protected].
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