Born just outside Edmonton, Erin Holowach and her husband Travis are the minds behind ComFree, which is a name well-known by anyone involved in Edmonton real estate in the early 's. Nowadays, Erin and Travis run its spiritual successor, homeFree, and are bringing fully supported private sales back to the real estate market. Inin Gay Elopements In Palm Springs attempt to take ComFree to the national level, the pair entered into a merger- which unfortunately had disastrous results. Other shareholders had different plans for the company, bringing an end to ComFree and leaving Erin and Travis reeling. Over the next 12 years, in search of a new business plan, Erin and Travis became full-time entrepreneurs. As it turns out, real estate was their specialty: they were involved in quite a few startups, investments and mergers, culminating in the creation of homeFree. To learn more about Erin, follow her on LinkedIn or Facebook. Also, if you're considering buying or selling a property anytime soon, check out homeFree for all your real estate needs. Joanna Griffiths is the Founder and President of Knix and Kt by Knix the direct-to-consumer intimate apparel brands reinventing intimates for real life. Since launching the company inJoanna has built Knix into one of Gay Elopements In Palm Springs fastest-growing intimate apparel brands globally. Through a focus on impact work and product innovation the brand is on a mission to empower people to be unapologetically free. Joanna holds multiple patents and helped invent the leakproof underwear category which is pacing to become a billion dollar category and has changed the lives of millions of people around the world. Joanna's long list of accolades includes being named Waterstone's Most Admired CEO and an AdWeek Women Trailblazer. Hier klicken, um den Feed zu aktualisieren. John Demartini is a polymath and a world-renowned human behavior expert. His work has Gay Elopements In Palm Springs described by students as the "most comprehensive body of work", "an extensive library of wisdom". John Demartini's mission and vision is to share knowledge and wisdom that empowers you to become a master of your own life and destiny. He's an internationally published author, a global educator and the founder of the Demartini Method, a revolutionary tool in modern psychology. His education curriculum ranges from corporate empowerment programs, financial empowerment strategies, self-development programs, relationship solutions and social transformation programs. His teachings start at the core of the issue, addressing the human factor and range out to a multitude of powerful tools that have proven the test of time. He has studied over 30, books across all the defined academic disciplines and has synthesized the wisdom of the ages which he shares on stage in over countries. His teachings are the synthesis of knowledge and wisdom from the greatest minds through history and his curriculum is designed to help you empower and inspire all 7 areas of your life. For more on Dr. Demartini, including information on how to purchase Dr. Demartini's courses, click here to visit his website. Come and listen to a story about how a group of talented experts have developed a credit card sized kit that can save people who are having a heart attack. About half of adult Canadians have at least one risk factor for a heart attack; diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, family history over the age of One third of those of Canadians who have a heart attack will die before they get to medical attention. So that's been my motivation right from the beginning. I've used to carry ASA and nitroglycerin in a baggie and I've carried this in my emergency kit for a long time. Stewart did some research and learned that this was all true. He needed to invent a packaging that would be stable so as to ensure that the medication remains stable for a long period of time. Stewart called up his friend, a renowned oncologist, Dr. John Mackey and the idea resonated with him too. Together, Stewart and Mackey came up with the idea of a heart attack card called SmHeartCard. It is a credit-card sized pill holder designed to save the lives of people who are having a heart attack. It holds 4ASA 81mg and 3 Nitroglycerin 0. With the help of Dr. Neil Davies, a pharmacist who did the testing of the heart attack card, they proved that the pills can be stored safely for six months in the heart attack card. Learn more about the SMHeartCard at the Festival of Health on May Mackey will discuss his work on the project during the Rapid Fire Presentations from 1 to p. Kyle has lived in the Edmonton area his entire life and has been dedicated to working with youth for over 30 years.
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