This is a list of Fediverse instances you can sign up for. You can share this page with the link joinfediverse. For documentation purposes instances may be added but greyed-out or stricken through if they are:. Please no instances that mirror Twitter or other places. Many of these instances can actually be found on the FediBlock blocklist. Main article: Fediverse weblinks. Contents move Furry Gay In Würzburg sidebar hide. Page Discussion. Read View source View Furry Gay In Würzburg. Tools Tools. What links here Related changes Special pages Printable version Permanent link Page information Cite this page. Included instances must: follow the Mastodon server covenantbut don't have to be Mastodon servers be open for sign-up have less than For documentation purposes instances may be added but greyed-out or stricken through if they are: invite only or closed have more than Inception Founder Admin GreenFediverse Population Platform Mastodon Further instances: earthstream. Inception Founder GreenFediverse Population 54 Platform Mobilizon ClimateJustice. If you're an individual please instead sign up at: climatejustice. Inception Founder PaulaToThePeople GreenFediverse Yes, climate neutral Population Platform Mastodon Floe. This is for you. Inception Founder Gruifor GreenFediverse Population 43 Platform Mastodon Social. Inception Founder admin GreenFediverse Population 40 Platform Mastodon Spore. Inception Founder Francis GreenFediverse Population Platform Mastodon Tube. Let's get to know each other! Hier verbinden sich Künstler und Publikum. Inception Founder Backstage GreenFediverse Yes, climate neutral Population 16 Platform Mastodon Mastoart. Inception Founder User:SciasmKitty GreenFediverse Yes, climate neutral Population 35 Platform Mastodon Mastodon. ART — Your friendly home on the fediverse for all things creative, all on a platform that is community-owned and ad-free. It provides a collaborative opportunity to build lasting relationships within a supportive creator community that uplifts one another. Everyone is welcome here. Inception Founder DrumHead GreenFediverse Population 89 Platform Mastodon Guitar. Inception Founder jesse GreenFediverse Population Platform Mastodon Metalhead. Inception Founder Thomas GreenFediverse Yes, climate neutral Population Platform Mastodon Ravenation. Anyone who listens to electronic music or not is welcome. The gateway into the fediverse for authors and all people interested in literature. Inception Founder Lektorat GreenFediverse Population Platform Mastodon Writing. Economy econtwitter. Join the federation! Please click "Learn more" and read our rules and Code of Ethics before applying. Inception Founder Andrew Lahey GreenFediverse Population Platform Mastodon Legal. Social is the Mastodon instance for legal debate. Inception Founder Malte Engeler GreenFediverse Yes, climate neutral Population Platform Mastodon Further instances: recht. Inception Founder The gardener GreenFediverse Yes, climate neutral Population 48 Platform Mastodon Retro. No Nazis, no TERFs. Please don't add fetish instances as infoboxes. We offer anti-speciesist moderation by animal rights activists.
Then it became obvious, a dog bone. Inception Founder The Mastodon GreenFediverse Population 19 Platform Mastodon Further instances: pixelfed. Commons Wikidata-Datenobjekt. Inception Founder Lektorat GreenFediverse Population Platform Mastodon Writing. Routledge Literature Companions New York and London: Routledge, ,
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