Trier is a beautiful city with a multifaceted tradition and a lot of community offers. Among other things, gay bars enjoy a special popularity here. So if you are on site and wondering where you can spend a few pleasant hours in a cozy atmosphere or at the next party, you are exactly right in the city with the Porta Nigra. Popular places to go in this context are the Palette p ub and the SchMIT-Z. Both bars are characterized by a high standard, but differ in terms of atmosphere and offers sometimes significantly from each other. It is best to visit both locations to get an overview. Actually, you can't speak of a " standardized atmosphere " here. For most gay bars, the later it gets, the more the tendency is towards a party. However, how exuberant this then becomes, how high the flirt level is and how many men then finally do not go home alone, depends on several factors. What is certain is that the gay bars in Trier are high-class establishments where people know how to party, but where it is by no means just a matter of picking up the next best guy. In Trier, among others, there are also many tourists and business travelers. This is also reflected in the gay bars on site. So if you feel like meeting new people, you should come here regularly. Due to the high number of regular visitors, you will of course also meet the members of the scene again and again, who are in the mood for partying, variety, flirting and a cool drink or two. Sure: an evening in a gay bar in Trier can end in bed. But: while in gay cinema sex comes first, in a gay bar it's more about the mix of communication, flirting and Gay Bars Trier Germany everything is right verbal foreplay. In a classic gay bar, however, you don't have sex. Here, then, you need a second location to get down to business. Password forgotten. Randy clears up! Loading Map. Gay Bar Trier Trier is a beautiful city with a Gay Bars Trier Germany tradition and a lot of community offers. How can you describe the atmosphere in a gay bar in Trier? What types of guys drop by the gay bar in Trier? Gay bar or gay cinema? What is the erotic difference? The registration is free and obliges you to nothing! Choose your username Enter your valid email address here. Choose your password Enter your date of birth here Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Year Location Germany Austria Switzerland ZIP CODE Location I am 18 years or older and I accept the planet-randy. Log in Nickname Password Password forgotten.
Alleine, die Spässe von der "Wirtin" sind spitze! Keine Kommentare mit Telefonnummern, SMS, Anschriften, E-Mail-Adressen oder Links. Who actually visits a gay bar? When you visit such a location in Rhineland-Palatinate, you can be sure that you will meet both new and regular visitors. Mosel-Apotheke Trier , Apotheken 5.
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Mustorstraße 4, Trier, Germany. Chrome · 3. Everyone is welcome!. Do. & So. ab / Fr., Sa. & vor Feiertagen ab geöffnet / Einlass ab 18 Jahre. Cheers Rock&Sportsbar · 6. Rausch, Lust und Verantwortung?! Lucky's Luke · 5. Nikolausstrasse 69, Trier, Germany SCHMIT-Z ist ein offenes Netzwerk für lesbische, schwule, bisexuelle, transidente, intersexuelle und sonstige queere Menschen und ihre Regenbogenfamilien. The Best 10 Bars near Trier, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany · 1. Craftprotz Kreativbierbar · 2. 2 people went. Hier. Turnhalle · 4.Aktueller Monat. War lätzte Woche in Trier und war auch in diesm Lokal man muss einfach dort gewessen sein ich kann nur sagen supper Lokal wenn ich wieder einmal da bin wei ich wenigstens wo man hin kann zur unterhaltung und nette lustige Leute kennen lehren. Regular and new customers - many queers love a good gay bar Who actually visits a gay bar? Weitere Infos, Karte und Forum für de Winkel in Trier. Buchladen Gegenlicht , Bücher m. Unser Büro, die Beratung und das proud haben in dieser Zeit geschlossen. Here, then, you need a second location to get down to business. It is best to visit both locations to get an overview. Service Partner. Übrigens, ich komme aus Merzig! Wenn Du das SCHMIT-Z und seine soziale und kulturelle Arbeit finanziell unterstützen möchtest, freuen wir uns sehr über eine Spende. Mosel-Apotheke Trier , Apotheken 5. Weitere Infos, Karte und Forum 4 Einträge für Palette in Trier. Randy clears up! After all, the answer to this question always depends on your personal taste. Popular places to go in this context are the Palette p ub and the SchMIT-Z. Oktober Password forgotten. Habe da zwei ganz nette leute kennen gelehrnt die gerne wieder sehen würde solte das hier jemand lessen und sie kennen wäre nett zu erfahren wie man die Adressen ausdauschen kann der eine hiess Thomas und Wohnt im zentrum von Trier un der andere hiess Andreas wohnt wohl auch in Trier aber vom lokal weiter weg und Arbeitet wohl in Luxenbourg an einer Tankstelle würde sie gerne wieder Treffen also wenn sie jemand kennt wäre es nett mehr zu erfahren. Especially when you visit a single party in a gay bar, you probably don't have to go home alone. Log in Nickname Password Password forgotten. Choose your password Enter your date of birth here Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Year Öffnungszeiten sind Do. But: while in gay cinema sex comes first, in a gay bar it's more about the mix of communication, flirting and if everything is right verbal foreplay. Actually, you can't speak of a " standardized atmosphere " here. Auf Anfrage stellen wir selbstverständlich auch für kleinere Beträge eine Zuwendungsbescheinigung aus. Service Partner. Zum Inhalt springen. Werbung kaufen Info Textwerbung bestellen. Randy clears up! Mit dem Eintrag stimmt was nicht? In Trier, among others, there are also many tourists and business travelers. Gay bar or gay cinema?