Mein wunderbares West-Berlin My Wonderful West Berlin by Jochen Hick. Born in Darmstadt, Germany inhe studied film at the University of Fine Arts Hamburg and also in Bologna between and He has since worked as a freelance writer, journalist, director and producer of film and television. Inhe founded his own production company, Galeria Alaska Productions. Between and he was editor-in-chief and deputy director of programming at TIMM TV channel. A number of his films have screened in Panoramamost recently Mein Wunderbares West-Berlin My Wonderful West Berlin in Mein wunderbares West-Berlin My Wonderful West Berlin. In West Berlin in the s it was possible to find bars where men could be left to themselves — Gay Hamburg 11.02.2017 fact that was to turn the city into a magnet for young gay men. The protagonists of this film, all still active members of the community today, recall those early years in the city. Theirs are memories of a community that fought steadily for its existence, and of its change, right up to the fall of the Wall. Cottaging, East-West affairs, leather bars, drag performances in the subway — an anarchic kind of joy outshines past suffering. A decade later, AIDS was to Gay Hamburg 11.02.2017 Berlin. After Out in Ost-Berlin Out In East Berlin Jochen Hick explores queer lifestyles in the West of the city and the roots of a fascination that the metropolis still holds as a refuge — and not just for gay men. A fascinating journey through time featuring previously unpublished archive material. Credits With Romy Haag Maximilian Lenz Ades Zabel. Jochen Hick The director at the premiere in the Kino International. Jochen Hick. Alexander GheorghiuJochen Hick. Ursula ScheidHermann Hick. Rainer Baumert rbb, Berlin.
Filmschool Fest Munich, Germany Slash — Festival des Fantastischen Films , Wien Warsaw Film Festival Family Film Project, Porto, Portugal Art Video International Film Festival Cannes Engler In uns das Universum feature film, , by Lisa Krane IN SIEBEN TAGEN feature film, , by Holger Schuhmacher Die Ballade von Ella Plummhoff feature film, , by Barbara Kronenberg Henry feature film, , by Philipp Fussenegger MIND YOUR BODY feature film, , by Silke C.
Festival events
seit Januar Medizinischer Fitnesstrainer . Hamburg International Queer Filmfestival ( - ) Festival International du Court Métrage, Clermont-Ferrand, Matinée. Ein junger Vater (27), seine zwölfjährige Tochter, ein Nachtclub, zwei Geheimnisse und eine Lüge, die alles richten wird. MY WONDERFUL WEST BERLIN describes gay life in the western half of the city in the dynamic period between the end of WWII and the fall of the Berlin Wall. seit M.A. Medientechnik. Alexander Paul Hahne, geboren , lebe überwiegend in Hamburg.Filmschauplätze NRW Powered by viva. Kolkata Shorts International Film Festival Die Flirt-Knicklichter erfüllen natürlich auch auf dem Dancefloor ihren Zweck. Mai in den Weberknecht ein. Duisburger Filmwoche Blue Sea Film Festival Rauma, Finland Wish Film Festival Stockholm Visionäre Film Festival Göteborg International Film Festival Toronto International Women Film Festival Bonner Dokumentarfilmwoche Da besuchten mich Ciaran und sein Seelengefährte und ich wusste, dass ich ihre Geschichte schreiben wollte. Future Shorts Festival, Salzburg International Student Film and Video Festival of Beijing Film Academy Gratis Flirt-Knicklichter in verschiedenen Farben — mit jeweiliger Flirt-Bedeutung. Deutscher Werbefilmpreis , Hamburg Elles Tournent Festival, Brüssel Himchal Short Film Festival, Indien Filmfest Dresden Letztendlich bleibt den beiden grundverschiedenen Frauen jedoch nur der Weg zu einem abgelegenen Haus in Schweden, von dem nur die beiden wissen und in dem vor vielen Jahren etwas Furchtbares geschehen ist …. Kurzfilmfest für SchülerInnen , Köln Filmtage Globale Perspektiven, FFM La Guarimba International Film Festival Bielefelder Kinderfilmfestival