I mean, I don't think I've gotten that much bigger, but if you want a pic I can give it to you. Thanks man! Honestly Gay Drool Monster Tumblr been lagging behind some of the other guys and it was getting me down. Fuck, you should see them! It's crazy how big they're getting. Still, I should catch up with them. Coach said that the second month at camp is when the growing really starts, and he promised to give me some extra help. Actually, don't tell anyone but he told me he was gonna make sure I was the biggest guy to leave the camp, so no more pics from me. You'll have to wait until I get back Gay Drool Monster Tumblr see the results. See you then! You were the star player of your team. You were a natural born athlete and you Gay Drool Monster Tumblr the body to match it. Every muscle in your body was huge; balloons of cements that were hard as steel and looked ready to burst. It was all thanks to your dedicated exercise routine that you followed religiously for years on end. But one day, your coach approached you and insisted that you needed a massage therapy session. Something about trying to alleviate your stress after the scandal that came to light. Something about cheating on your girlfriend with other girls. No clue which ones they were talking about. You protested but your coach was stern, he was, after all, the only person you ever listened to and that was only some of the time. His deep voice was commanding yet calming, just the right combination to be able to get you to give up the argument. You supposed your muscles needed a good cooldown after your killer workout that day anyway. Die Jungs lieben meinen massigen Daddy Körper, sie stehen auf meine Muskelmasse, auf meinen Bart, auf meine Nippel und vor allem auf das, was ich mit Ihnen anstelle. Allein meine männlich-körperliche Ultrapräsenz lässt die Kerle ausflippen. Da mein mächtiger, fetter Daddyschwanz sowieso immer erregt und hart ist, brauche ich mich nur aufs Bett zu legen und die Jungs dürfen mich mit ihrem engen Loch reiten. Ich liebe es, wenn sie sich an meiner Standfestigkeit abarbeiten, meine Titten und Nippel bearbeiten, meinen Körper liebkosen und mich mit ihrem trainierten Loch stöhnend bedienen. Spätestens wenn ich anfange, meine Bizeps zu präsentieren und meine Titten tanzen zu lassen, spritzen sie ihr reichliches Sperma in meine Brusthaare und lecken dann ihren eigenen Saft genüsslich von meinem Körper. Dann wird gewechselt und der nächste Kerl darf mich beglücken. So reite ich einen nach dem anderen zu und sie meinen, mit ihren gestählten Körpern seien sie schon Männer, aber letztendlich wollen sie nur von einem erfahren Kerl mit riesigem Schwanz befriedigt werden. The Westside Barbell Club. See the men in this picture? Then one guy asked if I would spot him. We got to talking about going to the gym off and on and that I wished that I had a buddy that I was responsible to and that was responsible to me. He agreed and then the small guy eavesdropping next to us asked if he could join, we both enthusiastically agreed. A couple weeks later a guy commented on my recent gains and I told him about the group. He became our fourth member. However, knowing that my friends were waiting for me at the gym, I started showing up every single day.
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